Germany Joins With Austria Again Against the Treaty of Versailles March 1938

Austrian Anschluss, March 1938

Map showing the Anschluss with Austria Map showing the Anschluss with Republic of austria

Hitler wanted all German language-speaking nations in Europe to exist a part of Germany. To this end, he had designs on re-uniting Federal republic of germany with his native homeland, Austria. Nether the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, even so, Federal republic of germany and Austria were forbidden to be unified.

Hitler also wanted control of the largely German-speaking area within Czechoslovakia, called the Sudetenland. Importantly, Austria shared a edge with this expanse.

In an try to realise his goals, Hitler was determined to destabilise Austria and undermine its independence. His ultimate goal was Anschluss (union) with Austria.

The failed coup

The Austrian Chancellor, Dollfuss, tried to crack downward on the Socialists and Nazis - political factions that he idea were tearing the land apart. Dollfuss banned the Nazi party.

In 1934, Hitler ordered the Austrian Nazis to create havoc in Republic of austria. This turned into an attempt to overthrow the government. Chancellor Dollfuss was murdered but the attempted coup failed because the Austrian armed services intervened to back up the government.

In 1934, Italy had an agreement with Republic of austria that it would protect Austria from outside aggression. The Italian dictator, Mussolini, honoured the agreement and moved Italian troops to the Austrian border to deter Hitler from invading.

Events in Austria

The new Austrian Chancellor, Schuschnigg tried to preserve the country from High german invasion past trying not to give Hitler an excuse for aggression. He tried to co-operate with Hitler equally much as possible.

Schuschnigg signed the German language-Austrian Agreement of 1936. This pact recognised the independence of Republic of austria but the price was that Austria's foreign policy had to be consequent with Frg's. The agreement also allowed Nazis to hold official posts in Republic of austria. Schuschnigg hoped this would appease Hitler. He was wrong.

Schuschnigg's position was undermined in 1936 when Hitler and Mussolini formalised the Rome-Berlin Axis during their joint involvement in the Spanish Civil War (1936-39). With Frg and Italian republic at present firm allies, Republic of austria had lost the protection of Italy and was vulnerable to German set on.

In 1938, Schuschnigg visited Hitler at his summer retreat at Berchtesgaden, near the Austrian border. Hitler demanded that Nazis exist given fundamental government posts in Republic of austria. Schuschnigg compromised and the Nazi member, Seyss-Inquart, was made Government minister of the Interior.

Hitler ordered Austrian Nazis to create as much trouble and devastation equally possible in order to put pressure on Schuschnigg. If Hitler could claim that Austrian law and order had broken down he could justify marching German troops into Vienna to restore peace - despite the fact that he was responsible for the anarchy in the first place.

Four days in March

Wednesday 9 March 1938

In a desperate act, Schuschnigg announced a plebiscite whereby the Austrian people would make up one's mind for themselves if they wanted to be a part of Hitler'southward Germany. Hitler was furious. If the Austrians voted against joining Deutschland his alibi for invasion would be ruined.

Thursday tenth March 1938

Hitler told his generals to gear up for the invasion of Austria. He ordered Schuschnigg to phone call off the referendum. Knowing he would receive no help from Italy, and that France and United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland would not interfere in Hitler's plans, Schuschnigg conceded. He called off the referendum and resigned.

The Nazi Austrian Interior Minister, Seyss-Inquart, was ordered by Hitler to ask for German help in restoring social club in Republic of austria.

Fri 11th March 1938

Hitler reassured Czechoslovakia that they had naught to fright.

Saturday twelfth March 1938

German troops marched into Austria unopposed. Hitler now had control of Austria. A calendar month afterwards, Hitler held a rigged referendum. The results showed that the Austrian people approved of German control of their country.

Foreign reaction

French republic

French politics were in turmoil in March 1938. In fact, 2 days before Germany invaded Austria, the entire French government had resigned. France was not in a position to oppose the invasion.

United kingdom

In March 1938, United kingdom was having its own political problems. Anthony Eden, the Foreign Secretarial assistant, had resigned over Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's determination to open negotiations with the fascist dictator of Italia, Mussolini. Every bit such, with Chamberlain determined to appease Hitler, there was no political will to oppose Germany.

Furthermore, the British population were against the idea of another European war. The Anschluss was not seen as a threat to Britain and, as both nations were German language-speaking, at that place was a sense that there was no good reason why Austria and Frg shouldn't unify.

Anti-appeasers, such as Winston Churchill, were alarmed by Deutschland'south looting of Austria. They believed that if Hitler had a true claim to Austria, he should have used negotiation and diplomacy rather than force.


  • Germany added vii million people and an regular army of 100,000 to its Reich .
  • Germany gained useful resource such every bit steel, iron ore and Austria's foreign exchange reserves.
  • The residue of power in south-eastern Europe shifted in favour of Frg, increasing their influence in the Balkans.
  • Czechoslovakia was at present surrounded on three fronts past Germany.


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